Farm Bureau Bank: Building Brand for New Opportunities

Case Study
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June 13, 2024


Farm Bureau Bank is a nationally recognized bank operating across the United States. Despite its national presence and association with its sister company, Farm Bureau Insurance, the bank was a relatively young organization aiming to establish itself as a leader in the highly competitive banking sector. 

With a predominantly online presence and few physical branches, Brand Federation was tapped to find a way to make Farm Bureau Bank stand out in a crowded field with an organizational branding strategy.

Our Approach

Our approach started with extensive research from internal (senior leadership, board members, employees) and external stakeholders (insurance agents, referral partners, customers) to understand:

  1. How the bank is seen today, and
  2. How the bank can evolve the brand for greater success tomorrow.

Informed by research, the resulting organizational brand strategy focused on getting the narrative right, as well as cultivating the right culture internally. 


Our strategy set Farm Bureau Bank on a path to differentiation and affirming its leadership but has also created a strong foundation for building a compelling brand narrative, both internally and externally.

To achieve this, Brand Federation:

  • Organized culture workshops at the bank's headquarters. These sessions fostered discussions about how the bank's employees could embody the brand's values and principles in their daily actions and interactions with customers.
  • Assisted in the identification and selection of an advertising agency to work on crafting a compelling narrative and storytelling. The aim was to create an external message that resonated with the bank's target audience and conveyed its unique positioning in the banking industry.


"Everyone is VERY excited about what’s to come and the direction the Bank is moving. Feedback has been nothing by positive!

Everyone walked away after the meeting running on a high from the energy everyone was putting off. We couldn’t have done it without you guys and all the support you gave!!"

Sophia Agold
GVP Marketing & Product Management, Farm Bureau Bank
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