Brand Strategy

Energize your brand, energize your business.

A brand isn’t just what an organization says, what they do, or how they do it. Your brand is who your organization is – your unique identity, values, and beliefs. And when you can bring it to life in a way that captures the essence of your organization, it can propel your business to new heights. That’s what we do.


Brand Conviction

Most companies get brand strategy wrong. They approach it from the outside-in, asking their prospects what they want, then trying to turn their company into whatever those prospects ask for. 

Spoiler alert: it almost never works.

At Brand Federation, we start from the inside, because we believe that inside every organization is a driving force – an authentic conviction so compelling that it will capture the imaginations of employees and customers alike. The strongest brands are built on that unifying conviction – one that is authentic to your organization's values and beliefs, shared by all stakeholders and can inspire everything you do. 

Brand conviction is what your organization stands for and what sets it apart. Once we’ve identified your unique conviction, we help our clients bring it to life in everything they do, from culture to experience to, ultimately, communications. 

We know a brand is strong to the degree that every individual touchpoint brings its conviction to life.

Our team of nationally recognized and seasoned brand strategists can help uncover your conviction and focus your organization’s message to make its identity authentic, unmistakable, and compelling. When managed well, a brand's conviction can be your organization’s single most valuable asset. 

It’s a powerful point of difference in a world of commodities.

Here’s our approach to energize your brand:


Project Kick-Off

Our first step is to pull together project leadership and critical stakeholders from your organization for a Project Kickoff meeting. The purpose is to align around goals and milestones, and to create engagement in the process, including conversation around the challenge, objectives and measurement, the process, resources and stakeholders, initial questions and strategic hypotheses, and timing.

Comprehensive Review

The team at Brand Federation will conduct a comprehensive review of existing materials, including but not limited to customer research, marketing assets, and other data. This review will be augmented with our own secondary marketplace and category review utilizing syndicated research platforms and social media analysis.

Research Design & Questions

Informed by the review, our team will design and implement primary research instruments to learn from those who know you best internally and/or get a view from the marketplace outside of your organization.



Following research, we’ll reconvene project leadership and the Brand Federation team to review our findings and discuss strategic implications. This meeting is facilitated by Brand Federation and will serve as a jumping-off point for synthesis and strategic development.


The synthesis session is our opportunity to share our first draft strategy with you and your team. The goal of the meeting is to share our direction and gather your feedback – if there are areas you think are particularly interesting, any spots where we’re off-base, or any recommendations that need more exploration or substantiation. 

Strategy Refinement

Taking in feedback during and after the synthesis session, our team will refine the brand strategy and align with you and your team for activation.


After we’ve aligned on a direction, Brand Federation will work with you and your team to develop an activation plan for the launch of the new brand story. We will review your organization’s communication channels to identify where to tell the story and the best approach to generating buy-in and excitement.

Brands We've Energized

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Don't just take our word for it.

Jeff Bescher
Eric Hurtgen

“Go ahead and send me my ‘Brand Federation Fan Club’ certificate - I am certainly not the first member of this crowd, but I am a proud one! Thanks guys, for your wonderful partnership, creativity, and appreciation for our mission and audiences.”

Lauren Zaller Moore
President and CEO, Children's Hospital Foundation

“Go ahead and send me my ‘Brand Federation Fan Club’ certificate - I am certainly not the first member of this crowd, but I am a proud one! Thanks guys, for your wonderful partnership, creativity, and appreciation for our mission and audiences.”

Lauren Zaller Moore
President and CEO, Children's Hospital Foundation
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"We appreciate all your efforts to help us get to launch.

The process of working with Brand Federation really helped guide our final execution."

Suzanne Nathan

Marketing and Communications Manager, Bechtel

"Everyone is VERY excited about what’s to come and the direction the Bank is moving. Feedback has been nothing by positive!

Everyone walked away after the meeting running on a high from the energy everyone was putting off. We couldn’t have done it without you guys and all the support you gave!!"

Sophia Agold

GVP Marketing & Product Management, Farm Bureau Bank

“Go ahead and send me my ‘Brand Federation Fan Club’ certificate - I am certainly not the first member of this crowd, but I am a proud one!

Thanks guys, for your wonderful partnership, creativity, and appreciation for our mission and audiences.”

Lauren Zaller Moore

President and CEO, Children's Hospital Foundation

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