If you’re like most association executives, you’re always seeking opportunities to add value to your membership. In our work with associations across multiple industries, we’ve identified the five areas that represent the greatest opportunities to strengthen your relationship with current members and attract new ones.
Value Gap Analysis shows you precisely where your association delivers on these five areas for members and prospects and where it falls short. VGA also assesses your performance against other associations in your industry. The result is clear, actionable data that defines the strengths you can leverage and the gaps you need to close to maximize the value of membership.
The VGA generates a roadmap for association leaders that becomes the foundation for strategic planning. It pinpoints exactly where your association can leverage advantages, shore-up weaknesses, and deploy resources to provide value in ways that keep members engaged and recruit new ones.
Association leaders that know where they deliver value to members – and where they don’t – see clearly where to take their organization. Those that lack the VGA’s insight are guessing. VGA delivers the knowledge and insight you need to strengthen a foundation that supports long-term, sustainable, and profitable growth.
Get a copy of our free white paper on the Value Gap Analysis and learn how our proprietary methodology can pinpoint where and how your association can maximize value for members.